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Why Don't We Have VGTs In Indiana?


If you have watched TV recently, you have probably noticed tons of commercials for sports betting. Online sports betting is now legal in Indiana making it easier for Hoosiers to gamble on sporting events. However, most of the revenue from these sports books goes to corporations outside of Indiana. With Video Gaming Terminals (VGTs), revenue stays in Indiana supporting the location owner (bar/tavern, service club) and the small, Hoosier-owned coin-operated vending companies that would own and operate the VGTs.

VGTs are designed for responsible gambling. Placement of VGTs would be limited to only age-restricted establishments and the number of machines would also be limited. Maximum bets will remain low and the payouts are over 90% of bets placed, which is a lot more than any other gambling experience, including casino slot machines. The business model for VGTs is not to create high-risk, high-stakes experiences, but rather to provide a fun, low-risk entertainment option.

So why do we have legal online sports betting in Indiana, but not VGTs? Call your legislator and tell them you want VGTs for Indiana because it supports Hoosier small business owners and provides a fun and responsible entertainment option. Learn more at

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