There is a diverse group of people working together to legalize Video Gaming Terminals (VGTs) in Indiana. These Hoosier businesses and individuals see the benefit VGTs will have for their business, community and the state of Indiana. Here are just some of the groups supporting VGTs:

VGTs in veterans’ clubs such as the American Legion and VFW would support the important work of these organizations. Revenue from VGTs would keep these clubs open and serving their veteran patrons as well as the community charities they support.
Small Businesses
If passed, VGTs would be placed in bars and taverns across the state. Large chains, while technically eligible, are not likely to install VGTs. The bulk of businesses receiving benefits from VGTs will be small businesses. Revenue from VGTs will help them keep their doors open, hire more staff and provide responsible entertainment for their customers.
Truck Stops
Indiana truck stops took a hit with an increase in Indiana gas taxes sending truckers to Illinois or Ohio for gas. Having a new entertainment source in their stops will encourage truck drivers to spend their gas money in Indiana and provide a needed boost in revenue for the truck stops.
Bowling Alleys
VGTs (in a 21+ restricted access area of the bowling alley) would support your local bowling alley through additional revenue, therefore protecting jobs and a creating asource of inexpensive family entertainment.
Many Hoosiers have expressed interest in entertainment options such as VGTs that are close to home, affordable, and have a high percentage of paying out.
All Hoosiers
VGTs will create jobs and increase local and state tax revenue, which will benefit all Hoosiers.
With VGTs, Hoosiers win!
Visit for more information and to take action!