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No VGTs Without Your Voice


VGTs would bring an essential new revenue source to your business, but there will be no VGT bill without your voice. Legislators need to hear from you, their constituent, to know this issue matters to their voters. If legislators don’t know how much you care, they may push this issue to the backburner in favor of one of the hundreds of other legislative priorities on the agenda.

Call or email your legislator today! Tell them about your business and the struggles you have faced this past year. Tell them you are worried about your business closing and how VGTs could help you stay open – and keep your staff. Tell them how you support your community when times are better and why it matters that your business survives COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions.

Step 1: Find Your Legislator

Visit and enter your home address to identify your legislator and their contact information.

It is especially important to reach out if you have a legislator on the House Public Policy Committee or the Senate Public Policy Committee.

Step 2: Send an email or make a phone call

Introduce yourself and your business. Tell your legislator that you support House Bill 1335 or Senate Bill 90 and how it will help your business. Share your stories of the hardship COVID shutdowns have caused for you and how VGTs will help your business survive the pandemic.

Without your voice, legislators might let these bills slip by unheard. Contact your legislator today.

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